

usage: dooti [-h] [-f {json,yaml}] [-y] [-t] {apply,ext,scheme,uti} ...

Manage default handlers on macOS.

positional arguments:
    apply               Apply a YAML state configuration.
    ext                 Manage the default handler for all UTI associated with file extensions
    scheme              Manage default handler for URI scheme(s)
    uti                 Manage default handler for UTI(s)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f {json,yaml}, --format {json,yaml}
                        The output format. Defaults to YAML.
  -y, --yes             Do not ask for consent, assume yes.
  -t, --dry-run         Only show planned changes and exit.


dooti can also ensure the state of handler associations on your system via a YAML configuration file (by running dooti apply). If you do not provide an explicit path, dooti will look in the following locations and load the first found file:

  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dooti.yaml

  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dooti.yml

  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dooti/dooti.yaml

  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dooti/dooti.yml

  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dooti/config.yaml

  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dooti/config.yml

The expected configuration format is as follows:

# All handlers in this file can be specified as usual,
# meaning name, bundle ID or absolute path.

# Manage file extension associations.
  nfo: Notes
  jpeg: Preview

# Manage URI scheme associations.
  http: Firefox
  mailto: Mail

# Manage specific UTI associations.
  public.c‑source: Sublime Text

# Manage associations per app/handler.
  Sublime Text:
      - py
      - rst
      - yml
      - yaml
      - public.fortran‑source

  Brave Browser:
      - ipfs


Show file path(s) to current handler(s) of file extension(s):

dooti ext csv

Show file path(s) to current handler(s) of URI scheme(s):

dooti scheme http https

Set default handler for file extension(s):

dooti ext csv -x "Sublime Text"
dooti ext csv -x com.sublimetext.4
dooti ext csv -x "/Applications/Sublime"

Set default handler for URI scheme(s):

dooti scheme http -x Firefox
dooti scheme http -x org.mozilla.firefox
dooti scheme http -x /Applications/

Show proposed changes from explict config file:

dooti -t apply -i my_conf.yaml

Automatically apply idempotent state from dotfiles and show output using jq:

dooti -yf json apply | jq

As a python module

To use dooti in a project:

import dooti
d = dooti.Dooti()

# set default handler for csv files
# the extension has to be registered with MacOS and
# the handler has to be installed
d.set_default_ext("csv", "Sublime Text")

# get default handler for http scheme
handler = d.get_default_scheme("http")